What Clients Have To Say

What follows are e-mails from clients followed by client statements taken from review questionnaires at the end of coaching.

The statements below are the content of spontaneous and unsolicited e-mails from clients. They are unedited with the exception of simple editing to protect the person’s identity.

Hi Ken, Just wanted to give you some feedback in regards to managing a work force that’s safety record is travelling well and the challenge of maintaining focus throughout. As discussed with you on this topic your suggestion was to focus intensely and with passion on the seemingly minor things and this will drive continued focus within the work groups. I’m pleased to say this method is working very well to date and continues to see our team with an ongoing cultural safety focus.

Oil Superintendent


Ken, I would gladly pay any fee for some of your time. Hopefully we can catch up again in the near future. The team and i have certainly gained much from your counsel and we thank you for that. Yes, the team is relatively unscathed and – at risk of sounding Neanderthal -sometimes these events are useful for getting reality in to focus.

Mining Project Manager


Ken, I am one of the lucky ones who have been given a choice of relocation to Melb or redundancy. Obviously the relocation to another city has an impact on my children which makes it a difficult decision. However, if we focus on the positives (based on learnings from you) another city is a great opportunity. I would really like to stay in touch Ken as your sessions has strongly influenced me both from a career and family. My kids know who Coach Ken is.

Project Manager


Ken, (the presentation) It was thought provoking, and much of what I said came to pass (especially the theme of resistance from some of my colleagues). There are a number of different sources of work and I think people will reflect on this further, but I for one have found your training / methods invaluable in building my practice. I in fact welcomed the refresher to refocus my attention.



I had my interview yesterday and I performed as well as I could have ever imagined! I was confident, enjoyed it and was actually looking forward to it, to tell them just what I have to offer. I may have been slightly nervous as I think I was speaking louder than usual, but I had no regrets coming out of it at all. Now the weeks of waiting begins to know the outcome. So, thanks for working your magic on me – it was one of the best investments I have made.

Private Client


I got the job Ken! Peter said I was well ahead of everyone else and gave a very strong performance overall. And I am also finding myself wanting to present in front of large forums and other such matters. I have so much more confidence of late, and loving it.

Private Client


Hi Ken, It was great to see you in the elevator the other day and to briefly inform you how my life has improved since my ‘EFT moment’ at our last meeting. How I process my thoughts has changed, I don’t feel I have to be a super-duper star at home or at work anymore and be the over-achiever I used to strive towards. I have started a journal which has worked wonders. I find I’m not tossing around ideas/grievances in my head as much as I used to, so I have more space in my life to think about the important things. The work I’m doing is consistently good and I’m happy and have accepted that at this place in my life right now. I am a better person and mum for having gone through my coaching sessions with you but it will always be my recent ‘EFT moment’ that will be a lasting memory as it has been life-changing.

External Affairs Adviser for Major Oil Company


Ken, just a quick note to say thanks. I’ve now been formally promoted to the role of GM projects which is the next big development for this company. The feedback I’ve had from my executive manager is that the company executive has seen me grow and develop into a good GM. His feedback has been I’ve changed substantially in the last two years this has given the company the faith in me to give me the GM role on an ongoing basis. Your role in assisting me develop has certainly been a large part of that growth, for that I thank you.

GM Mining Projects


Hi Ken, I have received the last disk today to add to the collection. I would like to thank you for all the help you have provided over the last 16 months it has been invaluable. My wife and I have had several chats since our last meeting and she would also like to pass on her thanks as she believes I have changed to become a better person! Apparently a lot calmer, a lot more positive and less defensive. Once again thank you.

Team Leader Iron Ore Exploration


These statements are taken word for word from randomly chosen review questionnaires completed and signed by the client usually at the end of coaching (therefore the grammar may not always be accurate).

“I believe to be a significant event in my life to improve myself and my communication with others. Very grateful to have the experience coaching was done in a very respectful learning environment.”

Electrical Supervisor


“Control what I can manage others to contribute. Has been really good.”

Electrical Superintendent


“I had reached the stage where I was already successful and did not anticipate the positive difference this made both at work and at home.”

Corporate Leader


“Thanks for helping me develop the coaching has helped me deal with issues at home as well as work – has been a big influence.”

Mining Superintendent


“Each session has been enjoyable and insightful and techniques for personal growth and team development helped to distil actions in leading teams – looking forward to future sessions – used to listen to the recordings while travelling to work – useful to reinforce the learnings.”

Senior Mining Manager


“It helped me a lot made me a better supervisor, thank you for all the help you have given me.”

Mining Supervisor


“Been involved in a lot of coaching sessions over the past few years and by far the sessions with Ken have been the best.”

Laboratory Manager


“I gained much out of this especially helped in settling into my new leadership role.”

Mining Manager


“Good fun makes it easy to learn and understand-Awesome first time I’ve enjoyed being coached the psychobabble was fun.”

Mining Supervisor


“Appreciated the support and I really enjoyed the session is. Thanks for the additional support when it was requested.”

Mining Manager


“Team is better balanced and directed have better delegation skills. Very perceptive and understanding of personality and my issues and ways of resolution I enjoyed the sessions and appreciate the growth I have seen in myself from this.”

Mining Superintendent


“Sessions are hard but fulfilling the CDs are good tool as are the written notes.”

Engineering Manager


“Excellent knowledge achieved and captured through the disks (CDs)”

Engineering Supervisor


“Thanks – have genuinely changed the way I think about outcomes.”

Junior Mining Manager


“I’m glad you took opportunities to push some ideas with me and challenge my thought processes. Thank you for the sessions and the insight you have given.”

Senior Mining Manager


“I really enjoyed all sessions which have helped me cope with a very difficult time with my previous manager. Time well spent and enjoyable kens thinking styles and analogies thanks heaps.”

Heavy Equipment Maintenance Manager


“Improved, conflicts removed, more harmonics. Excellent, far more successful than expected originally.”

Senior Accountant


“Realised in a work since it is more about what or where I can best utilise my skills, rather than having to fit their expectations.”

Young Mining Executive


“Overall I experienced a greater insight into my own workings, how and why I relate to people. Increased awareness of my own workings has been invaluable.”

Hospital Laboratory Manager


“Starting to develop a professional network – and finding a way to do this. Tools for being proactive in pursuing goals.”

Commercial Real Estate Manager


“Increased perception of self and others. Thanks, coaching has been very beneficial.”

Engineering Project Manager


“Really enjoyed Kens manner. The provision of CDs for future reflection was very valuable.”

Senior Government Manager


“More confidence gained some useful strategies for dealing with people. Very useful to gain very different perspectives on a number of issues.”

Project Manager


“I am extremely fortunate to have been shown the way – the rest is up to me!”

HR Director


“I thoroughly enjoyed the course and has given me a lot of knowledge to be able to manage the workplace more effectively.”

Residential Aged Care Manager


“Very well constructed and interactive course. I believe in myself and my abilities.”

Corporate Manager


“Increase in self-confidence, which has increased my effectiveness in my job.”

Corporate Accounts Manager