Coaching sessions are always tailored to the individual’s requirements. Coaching meets the individual at their level and consequently, no two people will have the same experience.
Coaching accelerates your development and increases your potential. Most of us have some realisation that we have more potential than we are able to use. In a nutshell coaching helps you remove or address some of the things which you can’t see for yourself releasing more of your potential.
Assistance with management/leadership strategies
Helps you implement what you already know
Insights into your personality and how to make capable use of it
Confidential (you will not be reported on)
Focuses on life principles that work in all aspects of your life
You have a confidant with which to sound out ideas and concepts.
It is not remedial, advice or counselling (or digging into your past).
1) Direct increase in effectiveness
2) Ongoing ability to flex and change to achieve what you want.
97% of clients report that coaching was relevant to their position and the work they do.
83% report that they are sure or very sure of the permanence of the gains.
Why are coaching gains sustainable?
Coaching is about unlearning. It’s about being more of your natural self and less of what you have learned or being trained to be. You will develop strategies that are suited to your personal preferences and it makes more of your formal training and experience available to you.
One-to-one coaching focuses entirely on what is best for you at the time. You’ll only ever cover topics and subjects that are relevant to you at the time.
What’s in it for you, the client?
• Strategising, thinking ahead moving beyond the present situation.
• Heighten your focus on getting results while maintaining a balanced life.
• Personal motivation and effective channelling of your efforts.
• Help you see yourself as others see you, or as you want to be seen in your current role.
• Leadership strategies and team building.
• Relationship building with peers, seniors and juniors.
• Communication strategies for:
~ Managing
~ Delegation
~ Leadership
~ Client rapport building
~ Team building
~ Problem solving
~ Making the best of relationships with peers
• Listening skills.
• Identifying and dealing with problem behaviour.
• Recognising and growing past personal limitations.
• Techniques and attitudes to maintain and build a department/practice/business.
• Being influential – in a healthy inclusive way.
• Time management (often removing the issues and blind spots that consume undue time).
• Problem solving and creativity strategies.
• Managing Stress – if it is an issue.
• Managing a heavy work load while maintaining a healthy private life.
• Improving confidence and self-esteem (where necessary).
• Time management, personal organisation, removing blind spots.
• Assistance with performance reviews (your own and with your staff).
• Lifting your profile in the organisation – career strategies/direction.
• The ability to be powerful but not forceful.
• The ability to be caring but not weak.
• Building the rapport.
• Helping others be motivated.
• Career direction.
• Leadership in your organisation.
• Help with particular projects.
• Dealing successfully with those senior to you.
• Meeting targets.
• Sensing how others perceive you.
• Understanding feedback from courses, peers and those senior to you, etc.
How many sessions?
You can have as many or as few sessions as you wish.
Ideally, starting out on an eight session program gives the coach the scope to help significantly.
The coaching sessions are flexible. If you’ve come for coaching to address one specific issue then that’s what will be dealt with upfront.
If you have decided upon coaching to simply increase your effectiveness then the first few sessions are likely to be fairly structured. As the coach I want to ensure that you have a working knowledge of life principles. These are principles that are at work all the time whether you’re conscious of them or not. (For example the ability to use questioning strategies when the going is difficult, knowing that you are the creator of your own experience and can therefore change it and so on) is a fundamental quality in effective leadership.
The more conscious you become of these principles the more you are able to navigate life successfully and be effective in whatever endeavour you choose, whether it be in your work or your private life or both.
In a coaching program the sessions wrap-around each other giving you a chance to revisit and practice building your dexterity and confidence.
Time between coaching sessions?
It is important to have time to integrate and trial the attitudes, strategies and concepts between sessions. I have found through experience that too much too quickly can disadvantage you. A minimum of two weeks between sessions allowing you to make use of the session recordings & notes (see below) and experiment with the suggestions in your own way adds to the longevity of the gains you create.
There are of course occasional exceptions to this when you are dealing with a very specific topic, such as dealing with someone who is very difficult, dealing with an ineffective supervisor, or life issues that you don’t appear to have an internal solution too.
As a coach it is my intention to provide you with as much support as possible so that long after the coaching sessions are over you have personal materials to refer to should you need them.
Many of the sessions are recorded (providing you are happy with that) this gives you the opportunity to revisit the session in your own time, listening to yourself helps you make adjustments you couldn’t otherwise make, and it allows you to adopt, refine and integrate the “best fit” concepts and strategies at your own pace.
Many of the sessions are recorded (providing you are happy with that) this gives you the opportunity to revisit the session in your own time, listening to yourself helps you make adjustments you couldn’t otherwise make, and it allows you to adopt, refine and integrate the “best fit” concepts and strategies at your own pace.
Supporting notes outlining strategies concepts and ideas we have discussed are provided so that you have a reference point for the future and something that you can share with others.
The purpose of the review is to allow you to look back on the issues that were raised throughout the coaching sessions. If the coaching sessions were of benefit to you and right for you, you may not notice the gains as you are becoming more of the person you thought you were already (the sign of well-tailored coaching sessions). Often clients having started coaching 6 to 12 months previously are quite surprised when they are able to compare themselves now with the past.